PROXI Application
The Challenge

Students and event attendees often struggle to make meaningful connections at networking events. The goal of this project was to envision, prototype, and evaluate a mobile solution to facilitate event-based networking and connections.


Lead Designer, Lead Prototyper, Usability Tester, Product Video, Presentations


Figma, PowerPoint, React,
Adobe CC, Canva



Design Process

We employed a Design Thinking approach to understand, envision, and validate our solution.

The Solution

Proxi is a contact management app to streamline and accelerate networking at in-person events. Event attendees use simple networking filters to create a profile and define their networking criteria. At the event, Proxi uses a Bluetooth Low Energy radius to alert attendees when someone matching their networking criteria is nearby and it adds them to a recommended connection tab. Attendees can quickly share their contact information with recommended connections or arrange to meet in person.

Customer Research & Journey

Interviews and surveys helped us understand our target audience, their event networking strategies, and their pain points. Using insights we gathered from our user research, we storyboarded how our solution could facilitate networking at events.

Competitive Analysis

Our team conducted a competitive analysis for current networking solutions that exist on the market. We wanted to ensure our product had market fit and get inspiration for potential designs.

Early Solution Sketches

Our team started with simple sketches to create an MVP that we would be able to test with potential end-users.

Initial Wireframe

After the initial validation of sketches, we created an interactive wireframe prototype capturing the core functionality of Proxi.

Testing & Validation

Using our initial prototype, we began to test our product with both end-users and potential stakeholders who would be involved in the purchasing of technology at universities.

Final Award Winning Prototype

After testing & validating our product with real users and potential stakeholders, we refined our prototype and created a medium fidelity prototype that we pitched to 6 Northeastern University Stakeholders.

This prototype went on to win non-equity funding from the Undergraduate Prototype Fund at Northeastern University.


Proxi creates a simple onboarding process that allows users to create a fully custom profile for in-person events. We focused on allowing users to publicize the information they want and hide the information they don't.

Home Page

Our home page hosts multiple events across different categories. Here you can see additional event information, register, and join live events.

Joining an Event

Proxi, meant for in-person events, has a quick joining process and a simple connection interface to help attendees find meaningful connections. In the event, users receive a notification when someone matching one or more filters is in their radius.

After Event

If attendees forget to connect with someone at the physical event, Proxi will save interaction history so users can re-visit old events and get the necessary information they need.

More Screens
Sign Up Process
Home Page
Events Page
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